Robert Arthur Askins
Dr. Askins was born in Clonmore, County Carlcw, Ireland, in 1880. He received his medical education at Trinity College, Dublin, and graduated M.B., Ch.B., B.A.O., at Dublin University in 1907 (First Class Honourman and First Place Final Medical Examination). Later he gained the Cambridge Diploma in Public Health and the degrees of M.A. and M.D. at Dublin University. He was also a barrister-at-law (Gray's Inn). After spending some time in gaining clinical experience he turned to public health, and in 1908 was appointed Assistant IVIedical Officer of Health for Merthyr Tydfil. From 1909 to 1914 he served as Assistant Medical Officer to Lancashire Education Committee. In 1914 he came to Bristol as the first full-time School Medical Officer under the Bristol Education Committee. He soon showed himself to be an able